We are launching Don Quixote! 🥳🥳 order it now

See you at Play Festival 2025!

board game convention Mar 19, 2025

We will be attending the Bologna Play Festival this year - and we can't wait to be there!

Your friendly neighbourhood Llamascape team: Andrea, Cassie & Isa

It will be the first the time exhibiting at an Italian convention - let's see how much Italian Cassie and I can remember, and how much Italian Isabelle has learnt.

Come to play a game or just to say hello if you are around 😃 You can find us in Padiglione 20, stand C-46.

We will be hosting some events, including our first public demo of a prototype of Moby Dick.

You can pre-book a slot here:

drawingDemo of Behemoth: Rise of Shadow (45 minutes)

drawingFirst demo of Moby Dick (40 minutes)

drawingChallenge me at Don Quixote! (30 minutes)

We will also be running ongoing games of Don Quixote (~20 minutes, no need to book in advance), and possibly a tournament. Come back to the website to read the latest.

Hopefully see you there, or at some other convention some other time!



Andrea La Rosa

Originally from Italy, living in the UK since 2009. Long time DnD player, former MTG player. During the day I work in Data Science, essentially playing with data and building algorithms..