Harness the power of the ocean as Moby Dick, or ride currents and hunt whales as the relentless whaleboat crew, in this asymmetric board game
I'm thrilled to announce our second game in the Book in a Box series, which will let you dive into the epic tale of Moby Dick, based on Herman Melville’s great American classic.
The game will launch in 2025 on Kickstarter - exact timing to be confirmed.
Follow the Kickstarter page here!
About the game
In this asymmetric strategy game, players take on the roles of either the legendary white whale Moby Dick, or the daring crew of a whaleboat.

As Moby Dick, you control the mighty white whale and other whales appearing in the ocean. You score points by guiding whales safely to feeding grounds, by killing whaleboats crewmembers or by releasing whale bodies killed by sailors. Moby Dick alternates between lurking beneath the waves and emerging dramatically, leaving the crew to deduce the whale's location.

As the crew, you control a whaleboat to hunt whales and bring them back to the Pequod, your main boat, to extract precious oil. Sailor players use cards to move through dangerous waters and ride currents, while trying to keep the boat steady and escape Moby Dick’s attacks.

Will you harness the power of the ocean as Moby Dick, or brave the waves as the relentless whaleboat crew? The hunt is on!
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