Experience-driven design

gamedesign Aug 29, 2024

In this post, I’d love to share a bit about the design philosophy behind our games.

For me, the magic of board games lies in the simple act of sitting around a table with friends—old or new—or even playing solo. It's more than just entertainment; it’s about creating stories and experiences in a tangible space, within a world with its own rules.

In this sense, board games stand apart from other forms of entertainments, like watching a movie, reading or even playing a video game, which lack the physical aspect.

As a designer and publisher, I’m passionate about exploring and crafting unique playgrounds where different stories can unfold.

Our approach is actually simple: every game we create is built around the feelings and experiences we want to inspire. Whether it’s the sense of achievement out of building something cool, fun out of some whimsical chaos, the thrill of exploration, the courage of taking bold risks, or even fear, we carefully design each element—like mechanics, artwork, narrative, components and player interaction —to bring out those emotions.

Take our first games:

  • In Don Quixote: The Ingenious Hidalgo, the goal is to capture the spirit of the classic novel—expect a mix of devious strategies, a need for some bold decisions, some whimsical moments, and a dash of chaos.

  • In Behemoth: Rise of Shadow, we want players to feel like they’re on an epic adventure, with the variety of emotions that characterize that: growing excitement, feeling strong and brave at times but also unsure and concerned in front of some uncertainties and challenges. And of course, a sense of exploration and surprise, which are a key part of any heroic journey.
Illustration of the  Behemoth.
Don Quixote fighiting a flock of sheep

Games are not just about winning - they are a playground where you can dive into all sorts of experiences and create your own stories. It’s like life, but with the bonus of a safe space where you can decide which emotions to dive into and who you want to share them with.

Which leads me to my new cheesy catchphrase: playing a game is like taking a shot of life—straight from the box!

Our goal is to try and create a nice and interesting choice of "boxed life experiences" to enjoy.

What emotions would you want to experience when playing a board game?



Andrea La Rosa

Originally from Italy, living in the UK since 2009. Long time DnD player, former MTG player. During the day I work in Data Science, essentially playing with data and building algorithms..